SSC Result educationboardresults gov bd – Education Board Result
Educationboardresults: Education Board Results in Bangladesh SSC Result 2020 Publish on 10 May 2020. The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination, is a public examination in Bangladesh led to as finishing exam of secondary education. Students of tenth grade/class ten show up in these examinations. It is the same as GCSE in England. SSC is identical to the initial two years of High Schools in the USA, and GCSE in England. HSC is comparable to the third and fourth year of High School in the USA, which implies they can begin school with HSC accreditation here in the USA.
Despite the fact that SSC is conversationally called the high school because of its utilization amid the British decision time. In the wake of finishing the ninth and tenth class (review) students sit for an across the country open examination called SSC and in the event that they pass they inspire opportunity to think about in universities or higher secondary schools. Bangladesh education board Publish 3 Exam Result – JSC Result, SSC Result, HSC Result. – Get All Education Board Results From Here
In Bangladesh, there are add up to nine education boards and these boards are in charge of working the Higher Secondary Certificate and Secondary School Certificate level examinations. Education boards likewise publish the result of both HSC and SSC exams. The education boards in Bangladesh are given underneath:
1. Dhaka Education Board.
2. Comilla Education Board.
3. Rajshahi Education Board.
4. Jessore Education Board.
5. Chittagong Education Board.
6. Barisal Education Board.
7. Sylhet Education Board.
8. Dinajpur Education Board.
9. Madrasah Education Board.
10. Technical Education Board.
Check Online SSC Result 2020 With Marksheet Educationboardresults gov bd:
Generally, the education boards publish SSC Result 2020 BD on their official website after 2.00 PM. The website’s name is and the guidelines are exceptionally straightforward. This is the landing page of the website.
You simply need to know the SSC candidate’s year, board, move number, and enrollment number. How you can acquire the SSC result from the official education boards’ website are given beneath:
Step 1: Go to and in the event that you write the address effectively you will see the landing page like the picture.
Step 2: In the official website you will see 6 alternatives which are “Examination”, “Year”, “Board”, “Roll”, “Reg: No”, and a captcha or security address. On the correct side of these alternatives, there is a drop-down menu for every choice and you need to top off this container starting from the drop choices. Presently gather the SSC member’s board name, roll, and reg: no.
Step 3: It’s a great opportunity to top off the alternatives with the candidate’s SSC exam data. The primary box you need to choose which exam result you need. Click on the case and you will see a couple of alternatives starting from the drop menu which is: HSC/Alim/Equivalent, JSC/JDC, SSC/Dakhil, HSC/Alim, HSC (Vocational), HSC (BM), Diploma in Commerce and Diploma in Business Studies. As you need to know the SSC result so select the SSC/Dakhil.
Step 4: After selecting the examination name now you need to choose which year SSC result you need. Click the correct side box of “Year” choice and select 2020 starting from the drop menu as the exam year.
In this picture, we have chosen 2016 in light of the fact that there is no choice as of 2020. At the point when the result will be published, you will see the choice 2020 as exam year.
Step 5: The following stride is to top off the board name. You don’t need to record the board name in light of the fact that on the off chance that you click on the container right half of the choice “Board” you will see each of the 10 boards is demonstrating including the Madrasah and Technical boards. Presently select your board. On the off chance that the SSC member’s board is Dhaka then select “Dhaka” starting from the drop menu.
Step 6: In this progression, you need to sort the student’s SSC move number. Click the container right half of the choice “Roll” and sort the member’s SSC move number. The move numbers change boards to boards. We have utilized “6944587” as a demo SSC candidate’s move number. Be cautious while writing the student’s move number. In the event that the roll no. isn’t right you may misunderstand the SSC Result or no result.
Step 7: Click on the correct side box of the choice “Reg: No” and sort the student’s enlistment number. We have utilized 986652 as a demo enrollment number.
Step 8: This is the last stride to know the SSC result. In this progression, you will see a security address like “7+1” or “9+1” and in the correct slide box you have sorted the right reply of what’s equivalent to “7+1” or “9+1”. So for this security check, I need to sort the right reply “8” in light of the fact that on the off chance that you add 7 to 1 you will get 8. This security check is called a standard security check which keeps the robot utilizing the framework or any sort of program conduct. Be that as it may, the security address changes each time you reload this SSC result page.
Step 9: When you top off every one of these alternatives then you can press the “Submit” catch and this will demonstrate to you the SSC result 2020 for the student whose data has been given. Presently you get the SSC Result from the official website of education boards Bangladesh.
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How To Check SSC Result 2020 by Mobile SMS?
Consistently a large number of individuals in Bangladesh utilize the mobile SMS framework to get the SSC Result like PSC Result 2020 or JSC Result from 2020. Getting SSC results through portable SMS is the most prominent path in Bangladesh in light of the fact that not very many individuals utilize PC and the web. The remote territories in Bangladesh utilize the mobile SMS framework to get the result. On the off chance that you have no PC and web association then you can get SSC to result through mobile SMS. Here we will share the entire procedure how you can send SMS and what you have to sort.
Get The SSC Result 2020 by Mobile SMS :
1. Exam Name: which exam result you need, for example, SSC.
2. Board Code Name: each board has a code name, for example, “DHA” is the code name for the Dhaka board.
3. Roll No: you have to know the right move number of the student.
4. Year: which year SSC result you need, for example, 2020
5. Sending number: you have to send the above data to 16222
Bangladesh All Education Board short Code Name:
1. Dhaka Education Board = DHA
2. Comilla Education Board = COM
3. Rajshahi Education Board = RAJ
4. Jessore Education Board = JES
5. Chittagong Education Board = CHI
6. Barisal Education Board = BAR
7. Sylhet Education Board = SYL
8. Dinajpur Education Board = DIN
9. Madrasah Education Board = MAD
10. Technical Education Board = TECH
The Process of getting SSC Exam Result by mobile SMS
To get the wanted SSC Exam Result 2020 by mobile SMS you need to sort exam name i.e. SSC then presses space then sort the code name of the board i.e. DHA for Dhaka board then press space then sort move number then press space then sort 2020 and after that send these data to the number 16222. In the wake of sending this SMS, you will get an answer with the student’s SSC result.
SSC Result Mark Distribution
Secondary School Certificate SSC Exam 2020 likewise equal exam mark appropriation has changed. NCTB (National Curriculum and Textbook Board) has published a roundabout for the up and coming SSC Exam 2020 and Equivalent Exam 2020. The Curriculum of SSC Syllabus and marks conveyance will viable from the SSC exam 2020. Practically subjects syllabus and exam framework have changed. Just a couple of more subjects is unaltered including English.
SSC All Subject Mark Distribution 2020. There are two configurations of the SSC exam. Sijoncil and objective. Students comprehend the question organize thought. The span of the examination is from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Once the SSC exam was held for 3 hours. Presently Sijoncil exam held 2:30 hours and target exam 25 or 30 minutes.
How to check SSC Result 2020 YouTube Video Tutorial
Read More:
SSC Result 2020 Chittagong Board
SSC Result 2020 Dinajpur Board
SSC Result 2020 Rajshahi Board