King Kanine CBD vs Honest Paws Hemp Oil – Which Has Best Treats for Dogs?

In this article, we’re going to be comparing King Kanine vs Honest Paws CBD oils and products. Both parties make everything from pet treats, to topical oils, as well as ointments that can help your pets with their skin and fur issues. But what the big difference is between the two, is that one offers full spectrum (pure extracted CBD without being a “full plant” oil no matter how much they say it, as it lacks the THC that is also in the plant), while the other contains broad spectrum, which has the healthy miniscule amounts of THC that can actually benefit your dog in many ways from health, all the way to increased pain management without getting your pet high.

About Honest Paws

Honest Paws has been around for a while, and while they are offering their products for a very low price, they actually have quite a few negative reviews that can be considered (having a 4.7 rating means they haven’t fulfilled or satisfied every customer on their market). Honest paws do use all natural, and organic ingredients in every product, but there have been plenty of testimonials from customers who have said their pets won’t eat it.

This is not a good thing when you spend money on anything, because then you feel like you’ve wasted it. They do have some street credit though and their products have been seen on the numerous television stations that they have had their products appear on. However, with the exposure to the media, this doesn’t mean necessarily that their products are excellent. This just shows they know how to do their marketing.

King Kanine

When it comes to all-natural ingredients, and a more pure and “fuller” CBD oil, some people claim that broad spectrum oil is where it’s at. This is because since the product contains some small amounts of THC in them, the CBD oil in it is less refined, and it’s more of a raw product that can provide more health benefits than that of a full spectrum oil. King Kanine has excellent reviews on all of their products, even though there aren’t many, but that’s not always a bad thing. Most of the CBD sites have a feed ticker that shows when someone buys a product, and King Kanine is one of them, but they still protect their customers by stating that “Someone in <location>” bought one of their products. This is actually really a great thing, because it’s unknown just how much of your information is protected on other marketers’ websites when y you’re trying to buy a product discreetly.


Unfortunately, the street credit for Honest Paws is a nice touch, but when there are over 15,463 dog and cat owners out of millions, you can’t say your product is the best, and that’s just what Honest Paws does. It is nice that they have an extremely wide variety of products, but there are many things that are annoyances, even on their site. The main thing it boils down to when it comes to the two products is that it all depends on whether you want to provide your dog with a full spectrum oil, or a less refined broad-spectrum oil, which has been getting plenty of raves on the human market lately.

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